I do hope that many who have engaged in any kind of media today feel the same as I do. I'm finding the British media more and more tiresome. In their desperate bid to sell sell sell they just talk absolute nonsense, exaggerate immensely, and it's getting embarrassing. Today, the British public have been advised by the media there is a severe drought!!! And not only that, it could continue until after Christmas!!! Oh my word, WHAT is to be done, you ask?!!! Well, actually, according to Sky News (and please note this information is nearing the end of an article that has made it sound like we've almost run out of the essential liquid of life), 'Officials stress that public water supplies are unlikely to be affected by the ongoing drought but are reiterating calls from consumers to combat the dry conditions by using scarce water wisely'. So basically, what's the problem here?
Apparently there's a hosepipe ban; what's the worst that can happen??? Your car stays a bit dusty, you need to use a watering can to water your prizewinning hydrangeas and that water fight you promised your kids at their summer sleepover is off. Big deal.
A 'drought' is what they have in Africa. A 'drought' is where it doesn't rain and there isn't enough water to sustain life. Human beings die of thirst and starvation because there isn't enough water to drink or to sustain crops. There isn't any money, there isn't any import, there isn't any aid.
So lets put this 'drought' into perspective shall we?
1) take a trip to Tesco and see how much bottled water is for sale. Not just that; we have juice, pop, milk etc etc. So none of us will die of thirst!
2) we import food from all over the world. We have access to fruits no one knows how to eat! We will not starve!
3) 'public water supplies are unlikely to be affected by the ongoing drought'. So basically, you can use your dishwasher, washing machine, flush, have a bath or shower as often as you like, we won't run out! Public advice will be what it's always been: have a shower instead of a bath (but who's policing this?!). The UK will remain smelling sweet and Radox will undoubtedly stay in business!
To the British media: get real, your sensationalism is ridiculous!!!
oh yes! oh yes! can i get a AMEN! Well said sister:-) xx