So here we are, the Saturday before the first Sunday Sun is published. 'Because in Britain, The Sun comes out every day'. A newspaper, check. A Sunday edition, check. Owned by Murdoch, check. So where exactly is the difference here? The News of the World / The Sun on Sunday. What's in a name? I don't see the point of a newspaper falling into disgrace and being shut down if a matter of months later, what is essentially the same newspaper, with the same values, probably the majority of the same reporters, and certainly the same boss is allowed back into print.
I suppose there will be some new code of ethics which will promise to drop the sleaze that has kept The News of the World selling for so long. I hope someone is keeping a close watch, because tabloid reporters love nothing more than to push boundaries. Still, if they can't resort to their old methods to get the top gossip, there is a possibility the Sun on Sunday will be rather duller than its predecessor. But fear not, Murdoch still has a few tricks up his sleeve! Visit the Sun website and you will be hit in the face by a ridiculously long-lashed, rusty-faced Katie Price who is clearly held in such high regard she has been given her own column in the Sunday edition! Other people study and work tirelessly for years to break into the media! I suppose Katie has worked tirelessly too to remain in the spotlight. Always working, even whilst on holiday as you can see!

But apparently she is 'writing to show people she's not just boobs, lashes and fake tan'. Personally, I think refraining from episodes such as this one is more likely to do that.
Still it would be interesting to see what Katie finds to write about. I suspect it will be along the lines of boobs, lashes and fake tan. Possibly not hers but undoubtedly other people's. Unfortunately, I will never know, as I don't intend to go out and buy it. Because I like news.
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